All tagged relationships

Crafting a Calling

Like the wordsmithy magic I learned to pull in AP World History to make a random collection of facts tie back into a single idea, your calling is what pulls together strands of your life that seem at the time to be scattered and meaningless. 

My journey since college has been anything but linear. When people ask me about the past few years, I either give a majorly abridged version or a laundry list of short term jobs that add up to me looking like an absolute commitment-phobe. 

Phantom Stairs / The strange beauty of unrequited love

You know that feeling, when you’re walking up a staircase in the dark and you take one more step than you need to? I call it the phantom stair. You have imagined that stair so vividly that it’s absence feels like a betrayal. Instead of landing on something solid, your foot sinks through air. For a moment you wonder if it will ever make contact with the ground again, or if it will just keep sinking forever. 

I think unrequited love, as they call it, is a lot like that moment.